KSLA wants to help you save money and spend smarter

Published: Aug. 4, 2019 at 3:25 PM CDT
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SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) - KSLA News 12′s Adria Goins has two jobs: being a mom and reporting the news. As the anchor of KSLA News 12 This Morning, she juggles a work schedule that may seem unconventional to some and family responsibilities that any mother can relate to. And like all parents, one of her primary concerns is keeping her family on a budget.

That’s why KSLA is launching a new series, aimed at helping viewers save money, with Goins at the helm.

The initiative, titled “Spending Smarter,” will provide the audience with ways to save in every aspect of life — from the grocery store to the gas pump.

“Money is such a big, stressful concern in people’s lives. You lose sleep over it, families argue over it," says Goins. “I want people to reinvent their thinking when it comes to money. I’m looking for any way I can help people have a little less stress and a little more innovative thinking about how to save here and there."

Goins will start by focusing on back-to-school spending, something that’s on her mind a lot these days.

“It seems like one of my kids goes through a pair of shoes every other day. Between all the supplies and new clothes, expenses can really add up. I’m the first person to download an app that can save money or clip coupons, so I can relate to a lot of people in our community who are always looking to stretch their dollar and still provide for their family."

Adria’s first “Spending Smarter” stories will air Monday, August 5, and she will continue focusing on ways to save on school expenses throughout the week.

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